2015-05-30 22:24:41 UTC
This is a re-announcement of the UPnP/DLNA to LMS bridge I've published
under the name 'squeeze2upnp'. For ease of use, I've now added a proper
LMS plugin, so it made sense to start a new thread, as suggest by users
on the original one.
This plugin/app integrates UPnP/DLNA players found on your network and
let LMS use them as if they were regular Squeezeboxes (they appear as a
squeezelite instance).
To install, you need to add this repository to your "Plugins" page
and choose "UPnPBridge" in the list of plugins
It should provide pretty much all the features of squeezelite, except a
few things
- synchronization does not work (at least don't use "keep
synchronization during playback")
- crossfade is not available
- gapless only works if the UPnP player supports it
Once installed, there is a "UPnP/DLNA Bridge" page added to your
"Settings" and you'll have to tweak probably a few parameters there. A
list of pre-existing profiles is available as well, but if your player
is not included and you manage to have it working, please post here your
successful configuration settings so that I can add them to the list of
known devices
There is a complete guide that explains all this in details and goes
through all the parameters, including the advanced ones that are not
available from the LMS webpage. It can be found here
If should work for Windows, OSX, Linux x86 and ARMv5 and v6+
Key parameters are in blue in the LMS webpage and info-bubble do help
understanding their respective usage
"what codec to choose" ? is a frequent question, so here are few tips:
- Remember that UPnPBridge is ... a bridge between LMS and your UPnP
players, so it does not do transcoding, just a few format tweaking. So
the "agreement" on supported codecs is between LMS and your player,
UPnPBridge just helps the negotiation
- mp3 will give you best mileage, but I understand most hate it
- flc,mp3 is very likely to work in all cases - transcode the rest in
LMS, do not try sample rate higher than 48kHz
- in many cases, flc,pcm and mp3 work fine as well
- if your player does not support 24 bits samples (Sonos and many
others) and you have such files, then you *must* use uncompressed codecs
format like 'pcm' and/or 'aif'. There is an option in UPnPBridge to
truncate down to 16 bits
- You won't know if 24 bits works before you try as players won't say
(they go silent) and LMS does not offer the possibilities for the player
to feedback its sample size abilities
- If you feel adventurous you have many options to play with
uncompressed formats, but there are various side effects (stuck in
playlist, song skipping ...). Sample rate can go up 192kHz, you can use
32 bits and play with all parameters, including the advanced ones
explained in the manual but if you go that route, I strongly suggets
reading the manual
I'd like to really thank PasTim for his numerous suggestions, tests and
support and ralphy for patches and builds that allowed this to work on
OSX, Windows XP and ARM
NB: the port used for UPnP (49152 by default) must be open. Under
Windows, you might have a popup (only the very first time the
application is started) asking to allow squeeze2upnp-win to access your
network. If not and if players are detected and seem to play but you
have only silence, go under
c:\programdata\squeezebox\cache\Installedplugins\plugins\upnpbridge and
launch squeeze2upnp-win.exe - only need to do that once
LMS 7.7.2 - 5 radio, 3 Boom, 4 Duet, 1 Touch, 1 SB2. Sonos 2xPLAY:1,
PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, JBL OnBeat, XBMC, Foobar2000, XBoxOne
(sort of)
philippe_44's Profile:
View this thread:
under the name 'squeeze2upnp'. For ease of use, I've now added a proper
LMS plugin, so it made sense to start a new thread, as suggest by users
on the original one.
This plugin/app integrates UPnP/DLNA players found on your network and
let LMS use them as if they were regular Squeezeboxes (they appear as a
squeezelite instance).
To install, you need to add this repository to your "Plugins" page
and choose "UPnPBridge" in the list of plugins
It should provide pretty much all the features of squeezelite, except a
few things
- synchronization does not work (at least don't use "keep
synchronization during playback")
- crossfade is not available
- gapless only works if the UPnP player supports it
Once installed, there is a "UPnP/DLNA Bridge" page added to your
"Settings" and you'll have to tweak probably a few parameters there. A
list of pre-existing profiles is available as well, but if your player
is not included and you manage to have it working, please post here your
successful configuration settings so that I can add them to the list of
known devices
There is a complete guide that explains all this in details and goes
through all the parameters, including the advanced ones that are not
available from the LMS webpage. It can be found here
If should work for Windows, OSX, Linux x86 and ARMv5 and v6+
Key parameters are in blue in the LMS webpage and info-bubble do help
understanding their respective usage
"what codec to choose" ? is a frequent question, so here are few tips:
- Remember that UPnPBridge is ... a bridge between LMS and your UPnP
players, so it does not do transcoding, just a few format tweaking. So
the "agreement" on supported codecs is between LMS and your player,
UPnPBridge just helps the negotiation
- mp3 will give you best mileage, but I understand most hate it
- flc,mp3 is very likely to work in all cases - transcode the rest in
LMS, do not try sample rate higher than 48kHz
- in many cases, flc,pcm and mp3 work fine as well
- if your player does not support 24 bits samples (Sonos and many
others) and you have such files, then you *must* use uncompressed codecs
format like 'pcm' and/or 'aif'. There is an option in UPnPBridge to
truncate down to 16 bits
- You won't know if 24 bits works before you try as players won't say
(they go silent) and LMS does not offer the possibilities for the player
to feedback its sample size abilities
- If you feel adventurous you have many options to play with
uncompressed formats, but there are various side effects (stuck in
playlist, song skipping ...). Sample rate can go up 192kHz, you can use
32 bits and play with all parameters, including the advanced ones
explained in the manual but if you go that route, I strongly suggets
reading the manual
I'd like to really thank PasTim for his numerous suggestions, tests and
support and ralphy for patches and builds that allowed this to work on
OSX, Windows XP and ARM
NB: the port used for UPnP (49152 by default) must be open. Under
Windows, you might have a popup (only the very first time the
application is started) asking to allow squeeze2upnp-win to access your
network. If not and if players are detected and seem to play but you
have only silence, go under
c:\programdata\squeezebox\cache\Installedplugins\plugins\upnpbridge and
launch squeeze2upnp-win.exe - only need to do that once
LMS 7.7.2 - 5 radio, 3 Boom, 4 Duet, 1 Touch, 1 SB2. Sonos 2xPLAY:1,
PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, JBL OnBeat, XBMC, Foobar2000, XBoxOne
(sort of)
philippe_44's Profile:
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