[SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X
2018-01-11 00:58:15 UTC
Squeezelite-X is available in the Microsoft Store for Windows 10
(Version 1607+).

Squeezelite-X is a Windows 10 application that makes running Squeezelite
on your PC easy. Squeezelite-X combines the excellent squeezelite
software player (by Adrian Smith and Ralph Irving) with a dedicated
imbedded web interface to your Logitech Media Server, all accessible
from the windows tray.

Additional features include: WOL to wake your server, interactively
change output devices, ability to specify advances squeezelite
parameters, customizable tray icon menu, sleep/idle auto off timers,
media key support for your keyboard, custom browser zoom. The
application is multi-monitor Dpi aware as well.

This started as a DIY project for me several months ago, and was
developed with advice and support from forum members over in the DIY
area. Special thanks to Wirruna, oyvindo, Jeff07971, drmatt, bobbertuk
and others for advice and suggestions and testing (and most importantly,

Special thanks to Adrian Smith and Ralph Irving for writing squeezelite,
to mherger for all his excellent work on LMS and Spotty, and to all who
keep this technology alive. This is my humble gift back to the
community that has given joy over the years.




R Greg Dawson

|Filename: image002.png |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24364|

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-01-11 11:48:01 UTC
Wow that is so nice!
Love the keyboard media key integrations

skare's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7681
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-01-11 12:21:03 UTC

Now I can finally ditch my ultra complicated setup on my work pc.

Neorouter and Squeezelite-X, that's it. Thanks! :D:D:D

SB Touch to Hegel H90, Boston Acoustics A26.
SB 3 to Audio Pro T3.
AirPlay Bridge to Audio Pro C5 and Hegel H90.
SB Radio
ReadyNAS 202
bernt's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1342
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2018-01-11 20:27:05 UTC
Hi Greg,
I noted today that the local SL-X player name appears 3 times in the
"Choose Player" pulldown list (and also on the LMS settings page under
"Players). Each consecutive name has a trailing increasing number (2),
(3), (4) and so on.
I suspect that this is a result from sudden crashes I've had with SL-X
(as I mentioned earlier).
Question is; How do I clean this up?
Restarting LMS or SL-X does not help.


QNAP TS-453Mini 4x3TB RAID5 QTS 4.3.4
LMS 7.9.0 running in Docker
Madsonic 6.2 running in Docker
Plex running in Docker

QNAP HS-251 2x2TB RAID0, QTS 4.3.4
Kodi 16.1 Jarvis

QNAP TS-119 1TB Single, QTS 4.3.3
Almost Retired
oyvindo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=19302
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-01-12 00:39:31 UTC
oyvindo wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> I noted today that the local SL-X player name appears 3 times in the
> "Choose Player" pulldown list (and also on the LMS settings page under
> "Players). Each consecutive name has a trailing increasing number (2),
> (3), (4) and so on.
> I suspect that this is a result from sudden crashes I've had with SL-X
> (as I mentioned earlier).
> Question is; How do I clean this up?
> Restarting LMS or SL-X does not help.
> Rgds
> Oyvindo
Squeezelite-X will generate a unique Player Name if it is about to start
squeezelite-win.exe and the LMS server says it already has a Player
connected using that name. This is so that if you are running multiple
instances, whether on multiple PCs, or multiple users on the same
machine and the PlayerName was not unique, it will make it unique.

However, If Squeezelite-X terminated abnormally it could have left an
instance of squeezelite-win.exe running in the background. So yes, this
could be a result of a crash. Version 1.2 added code that eliminated
the issue we (well at least I) was having with wifi. Are you running
Version 1.2? V1.2 is in the store now and you can update to that (even
though the store listing has not yet been updated by Microsoft to
indicate Version 1.2 yet, the v1.2 package is what is there).

I also noticed this happening (squeezelite-win.exe left running) once
when I was shutting down Windows and the shutdown process got aborted
due to another program. In that case Squeezelite-X was shutdown, but
squeezelite-win.exe was not. I have a fix for this coming.

A reboot of the PC should fix the issue because that will shut down any
squeezelite-win.exe instances that may be running, or you can go into
task manager and terminate the tasks there. (If you do Task Manager,
Exit Squeezelite-X first, so you can safely terminate all remaining
squeezelite-win.exe instances) BTW, if squeezelite-win.exe terminates
abnormally, it may take LMS several minutes to realize and "forget" the

What version of Squeezelite-X are you running?

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-01-12 12:40:56 UTC
Hi Greg,

I have just noticed that my request for squeezelite to be disableable
has been implemented - thanks for that !

I noticed it after checking the version (re the last post) I am on v1.2
but I do not remember updating SL-X, does it auto update ?

Thanks again


*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLiteX,PiCorePlayer
*Server:* LMS Version: Latest Nightly on Centos 7 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U1 on
Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLiteX
*Music:* 522GB,1660 albums with 23087 songs by 5204 artists mostly

*Want a webapp ?* See
Jeff07971's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=49290
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-01-12 22:28:57 UTC
Jeff07971 wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> I have just noticed that my request for squeezelite to be disableable
> has been implemented - thanks for that !
> I noticed it after checking the version (re the last post) I am on v1.2
> but I do not remember updating SL-X, does it auto update ?
> Thanks again
> Jeff
Yes, one of the nice things about Microsoft Store is that it
autoupdates. I don't know how it works, especially while/if
Squeezelite-X is running, but it will auto-update. Its a Microsoft
Store thing.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-01-12 16:50:29 UTC
rgdawson wrote:
> What version of Squeezelite-X are you running?
I'm now on and everything is just fine again.
Perhaps with the exception of the fact that not all my keyboard
mediakeys do work as expected. But they used to - some time ago. Now,
only the Play/Pause/FastForward/Reverse works ok, but the volume keys
and mute doesn't. They used to work with SL-X as well, but now they only
control the local player, and not the browser selected player, no matter
what I do.


QNAP TS-453Mini 4x3TB RAID5 QTS 4.3.4
LMS 7.9.1 running in Docker
Madsonic 6.2 running in Docker
Plex running in Docker

QNAP HS-251 2x2TB RAID0, QTS 4.3.4
Kodi 16.1 Jarvis

QNAP TS-119 1TB Single, QTS 4.3.3
Almost Retired
oyvindo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=19302
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-01-12 22:45:23 UTC
oyvindo wrote:
> I'm now on and everything is just fine again.
> Perhaps with the exception of the fact that not all my keyboard
> mediakeys do work as expected. But they used to - some time ago. Now,
> only the Play/Pause/FastForward/Reverse works ok, but the volume keys
> and mute doesn't. They used to work with SL-X as well, but now they only
> control the local player, and not the browser selected player, no matter
> what I do.
> R
> Oyvindo
Squeezelite-X should have no impact on volume/mute as it does not
intercept those keys. Pay/Pause, Stop, Prev, Next are the only ones
that Squeezelite-X responds to. I'll take a look, perhaps I introduced
a bug as to controlling the browser selected player.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-01-13 07:56:08 UTC
rgdawson wrote:
> Squeezelite-X should have no impact on volume/mute as it does not
> intercept those keys.
I'm sorry - I was under the impression that you had implemented support
for all mediakeys.
Any particular reason why you decided not to support the volume keys
(Volume seems rather essential, doesn't it?)

QNAP TS-453Mini 4x3TB RAID5 QTS 4.3.4
LMS 7.9.1 running in Docker
Madsonic 6.2 running in Docker
Plex running in Docker

QNAP HS-251 2x2TB RAID0, QTS 4.3.4
Kodi 16.1 Jarvis

QNAP TS-119 1TB Single, QTS 4.3.3
Almost Retired
oyvindo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=19302
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-01-13 13:58:22 UTC
oyvindo wrote:
> I'm sorry - I was under the impression that you had implemented support
> for all mediakeys.
> Any particular reason why you decided not to support the volume keys
> (Volume seems rather essential, doesn't it?)
The computer already responds to volume/mute keys to control the
computer's volume, so that should work just fine without any additional
SL-X action for the local player. (Your volume/mute keys should already
work.) If I have SqueezeLite-X respond to the volume keys also, then you
would have the computer adjusting its volume, and SqueezeLite-X
adjusting the player volume simultaneously. I want to keep those
activities separate and I don't want SqueezeLite-X to prevent the volume
keys from performing normally outside of the Squeezelite-X app. I may
want to turn down the player volume without turning down the computer
volume and vice versa.

That is my thinking, but I am open to suggestions and ideas. Maybe a
different key combination to control player volume, like Shift-Volume+/-
or something.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-01-13 14:08:31 UTC
oyvindo wrote:
> Well, yes - it did autoupdate - after I had already done it myself -
> manually - and I ended up having two instances of SL-X running
> concurrntly! :eek:
I should probably add code to not allow two instances to run by the same
user. Another curious thing about updates is that after an update,
Windows forgets if you have put the tray icon in the visible part of the
tray. So after an update, the tray icon will go back to the hidden part
of the tray. Since you are not expecting that, it is easy to think it
is not running and run another instance. I have done this to myself

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-02-24 08:13:37 UTC
Hi Greg,

first thanks for your work, your program is something I waitet for! One
problem: fiddling around on two machines, win 10 and server 2016,
squeezelite crashes when I try to play a 24bit flac, on every availible
output device (ASIO, WASAPI, WDM-KS, MME, DirectSound, whatever).

Is it a simple question of the correct squeezelite parameters, or an
general problem with squeezelite? Flew over the SqueezePlay thread by
ralhpy (not allowed to post the link by board rules) but honestly, as a
noob, I don't get the point there.

Thanks for helping!


e.d.'s Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=67903
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-02-24 16:50:42 UTC
Hi Greg, After updating to 1.3.3 my media keys have stopped working all
Did I do something wrong?

QNAP TS-453Mini 4x3TB RAID5 QTS 4.3.4
LMS 7.9.1 running in Docker
Madsonic 6.2 running in Docker
Plex running in Docker

QNAP HS-251 2x2TB RAID0, QTS 4.3.4
Kodi 16.1 Jarvis

QNAP TS-119 1TB Single, QTS 4.3.3
Almost Retired
oyvindo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=19302
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-02-24 21:47:36 UTC
oyvindo wrote:
> Hi Greg, After updating to 1.3.3 my media keys have stopped working all
> together.
> Did I do something wrong?

If anything is wrong, I'm sure I did it. :-) The most recent change I
made to Media Key Integration was to not have the media keys registered
to SLX if the setting is set to "off". Previously, SLX always
registered the media keys and then just ignored them if the setting was
"off". The change makes the media keys available to other apps if you
turn them off in SLX. I have not been able to reproduce your problem.
Check your settings to make sure media key integration is enabled, and
press "Apply" just for fun and see if that fixes it. I've check my
logic to make sure there is not some pathway that SLX could be failing
to register the media keys and I have not found any.

You can also see the application log and see if media key presses are
getting recognized. Bottom right of Settings Page is a link
"Application Log" clicking that will open a log window. Press a media
key and see if it is reflected in the log window.

Another minor GUI tweak I made was this. Before, SLX would immediately
refresh the browser screen when you pressed a media key. That would
give the operator a bit of immediate positive feedback, but the downside
was that if you were drilled down on the left browser pane, you would
lose your place. So I removed the browser refresh and just let the
browser update the play/pause or now playing graphic on its own update
cycle which takes about 1 second or two or three.

R Greg Dawson

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-02-24 21:55:32 UTC
oyvindo wrote:
> Hi Greg, After updating to 1.3.3 my media keys have stopped working all
> together.
> Did I do something wrong?
> [Edit] Rebooting my client PC solved that problem. Sorry for the
> interruption.

I'm wondering if the way Windows updates an app while it is running
caused your issue. When a running app is updated Windows will kill the
app and then install the new version. I considered that when the app is
terminated this way, it might fail to unregister the media keys and then
the new version could not register them. So I tested this, and I did
not see this issue. I could not reproduce it.

That said, I am thinking that when the store terminates the running app
something might not be happening in the correct order or at all and it
might be somewhat random order. I'm going to research this.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-02-24 22:13:48 UTC
e.d. wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> first thanks for your work, your program is something I waitet for! One
> problem: fiddling around on two machines, win 10 and server 2016,
> squeezelite crashes when I try to play a 24bit flac, on every availible
> output device (ASIO, WASAPI, WDM-KS, MME, DirectSound, whatever).
> Is it a simple question of the correct squeezelite parameters, or an
> general problem with squeezelite? Flew over the SqueezePlay thread by
> ralhpy (not allowed to post the link by board rules) but honestly, as a
> noob, I don't get the point there.
> Thanks for helping!
> Ed
> EDIT: switched server from 2016 to 2012 R2, same behaviour

Squeezelite-X just runs the latest version of squeezelite-win.exe in the
background. I have not tried 24bit flac, but if squeezelite-win.exe can
do it Squeezelite-X should work too, so I am suspecting
squeezelite-win.exe or LMS. You could try getting the command line
version of squeezelite-win.exe and see if it can play your files outside
of SLX. I'll look into it.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-01-13 10:12:44 UTC
I'd prefer to stick with a standalone installer myself.

-Transcoded from Matt's brain by Tapatalk-

Hardware: 3x Touch, 1x Radio, 2x Receivers, 1 HP Microserver NAS with
Debian+LMS 7.9.0
Music: ~1300 CDs, as 450 GB of 16/44k FLACs. No less than 3x 24/44k
drmatt's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=59498
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-01-13 14:12:34 UTC
drmatt wrote:
> I'd prefer to stick with a standalone installer myself.
> -Transcoded from Matt's brain by Tapatalk-

I'll keep a traditional non-store installer available at:

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-01-13 21:09:55 UTC
rgdawson wrote:
> I'll keep a traditional non-store installer available at:
> https://1drv.ms/f/s!AlC6xWoP5Gkwgb5YHGQ1-VHk7TQZXw
> R Greg Dawson

Thanks Greg. Updated my Win 8.1 this morning.

This is a great app. Well done.

A camel is a racehorse designed by a committee.

Seen sprayed on the outside wall of the local library -
Three things I hate in life :
1. Vandalism
2. Irony
3. Lists
Wirrunna's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3225
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-01-14 17:10:21 UTC
Wirrunna wrote:
> Thanks Greg. Updated my Win 8.1 this morning.
> This is a great app. Well done.

Remember, the traditional installer does not make Squeezelite-X
autostart on login, you'll have to remember to do that manually.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-01-16 04:07:22 UTC
I read somewhere that UWP apps are not allowed to send network traffic
to the local computer. That would mean that UWP apps could not connect
to something like LMS hosted on the same computer. I have never tried
this with Squeezelite-X. I am wondering if anyone has attempted to run
Squeezelite-X and connect to LMS running on the same computer and if so,
what happened?

R. Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-01-16 17:28:05 UTC
rgdawson wrote:
> I read somewhere that UWP apps are not allowed to send network traffic
> to the local computer. That would mean that UWP apps could not connect
> to something like LMS hosted on the same computer. I have never tried
> this with Squeezelite-X. I am wondering if anyone has attempted to run
> Squeezelite-X and connect to LMS running on the same computer and if so,
> what happened?
> R. Greg Dawson

I had this problem running the Squeeze Control app on my PC running LMS.
I used Windows Loopback Exemption Manager
(http://loopback.codeplex.com/) to resolve the issue.

bwaldron's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1073
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
Man in a van
2018-01-16 17:42:30 UTC
bwaldron wrote:
> I had this problem running the Squeeze Control app on my PC running LMS.
> I used Windows Loopback Exemption Manager
> (http://loopback.codeplex.com/) to resolve the issue.

I have a vague memory that Soundicity allowed something like this

Man in a van's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=43627
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-01-19 23:49:16 UTC
I'm looking at telemetry info on Squeezelite-X from the Microsoft Store
that indicates occasional crashes are happening out there. I believe
something might be going wrong relating to the media key integration and
the keyboard hook I have implemented to capture media key presses even
when the application is running in the background.

Has anyone experienced any crashes lately? If you have, I'd sure like
to know about it. Thanks.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-01-20 07:34:02 UTC
My client PC (a Dell running Win 10) runs 24/7 and SL-X is connected to
my LMS which runs in a docker container on a QNAP NAS.
I haven't had any isolated SL-X "crashes" in a long time now, but
occasionally, music playback randomly just stops. Often in the middle of
a track.
I use "Don't Stop the music" on LMS, and this may just as well be
related to that plugin.

QNAP TS-453Mini 4x3TB RAID5 QTS 4.3.4
LMS 7.9.1 running in Docker
Madsonic 6.2 running in Docker
Plex running in Docker

QNAP HS-251 2x2TB RAID0, QTS 4.3.4
Kodi 16.1 Jarvis

QNAP TS-119 1TB Single, QTS 4.3.3
Almost Retired
oyvindo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=19302
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-01-24 00:47:08 UTC
rgdawson wrote:
> I'm looking at telemetry info on Squeezelite-X from the Microsoft Store
> that indicates occasional crashes are happening out there. I believe
> something might be going wrong relating to the media key integration and
> the keyboard hook I have implemented to capture media key presses even
> when the application is running in the background.
> Has anyone experienced any crashes lately? If you have, I'd sure like
> to know about it. Thanks.
> R Greg Dawson

My theory is that it could be possible for the application termination
sequence to terminate such that the Media Key hook could get called by
the O/S after the application's callback routine is unloaded. (That is
my theory, I cannot reproduce it). The result is that the application
terminates anyway, so it goes unnoticed. So I have replaced the
Low-Level keyboard hook I was using, with a simpler, safer approach
using "RegisterHotKey" windows API method.

I have also improved a feature some might find useful, that is the
mini-player. In the main browser interface, you can open a mini-player
by pressing a little button just to the right of the On/Off button.
This opens a pop-up window that is the mini-player. Previously, I just
allowed the popup provided by the LMS. The size wrong, and I never
liked the standard big title bar and the fact that it was white when the
mini-player did not have focus. So now, I intercept this call and open
a custom version of the mini-browser, with a smaller title bar that
stays dark, and is automatically sized correctly. Another change is
that pressing "Help" or "Settings" from the browser interface now opens
Help and Settings in a regular browser window. I did this in order to
provide full browser functionality when working with help and settings,
particularly search. All this is in Version 1.2.7, which I submitted to
Store today, so should be available in a few days.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-02-02 14:19:39 UTC
Currently, if your LMS Command Line Interface port id is configured as
anything other than the default 9090, Squeezelite-X will hang because it
is expecting 9090. I don't know if anyone has had issues with this, I'm
not aware of any. I'm guessing 99.9% of LMS instances are using the
default port ids.

But, I am making this configurable on the Squeezelite-X side. A version
that supports configuration of the CLI port id will be released next
week, after I run it through its paces.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-02-17 06:26:54 UTC
Just got home after a month away.
Loaded Squeezelite-X 1.3.2. Works perfectly, saw the port config option,
available if you want it but if you don't then it stays hidden. Good way
of doing it as the screen stays uncluttered.

There was a plugin update notice at the bottom of the LMS screen, so I
updated the plugin, restarted LMS but the update notice was still there.
Couldn't remember how to refresh Squeezelite-X so just closed and
Is there a way (apart from close / restart) of refreshing the LMS screen

A camel is a racehorse designed by a committee.

Seen sprayed on the outside wall of the local library -
Three things I hate in life :
1. Vandalism
2. Irony
3. Lists
Wirrunna's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3225
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-02-19 21:11:32 UTC
rgdawson wrote:
> You can just lick on the label "Logitech Media Server" in the browser
> window and that will refresh it.
> R Greg Dawson

That just makes the screen all smeary :o

*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLiteX,PiCorePlayer
*Server:* LMS Version: Latest Nightly on Centos 7 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U1 on
Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLiteX
*Music:* 522GB,1660 albums with 23087 songs by 5204 artists mostly

*Want a webapp ?* See
Jeff07971's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=49290
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-02-19 21:21:45 UTC
Jeff07971 wrote:
> That just makes the screen all smeary :o

I might have read your post too fast. If you update LMS while SLX is
running, what will happen is that the server will be stopped in order to
do the update. SLX will detect it is no longer connected and try to
reconnect about every 8 seconds. When the server is back on line, SQL
will successfully connect. That will also trigger a refresh of the

But re-reading your post you updated a plugin and I'm not sure if the
message is referring to a plugin update or an LMS update. But it should
work the same assuming you have to restart the server to take the
updated plugin, so the same thing should happen.

What do you mean by "screen all smeary"?

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-02-19 21:26:10 UTC
rgdawson wrote:
> I might have read your post too fast. If you update LMS while SLX is
> running, what will happen is that the server will be stopped in order to
> do the update. SLX will detect it is no longer connected and try to
> reconnect about every 8 seconds. When the server is back on line, SQL
> will successfully connect. That will also trigger a refresh of the
> browser.
> But re-reading your post you updated a plugin and I'm not sure if the
> message is referring to a plugin update or an LMS update. But it should
> work the same assuming you have to restart the server to take the
> updated plugin, so the same thing should happen.
> What do you mean by "screen all smeary"?
> R Greg Dawson

"You can just lick on the label"

*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLiteX,PiCorePlayer
*Server:* LMS Version: Latest Nightly on Centos 7 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U1 on
Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLiteX
*Music:* 522GB,1660 albums with 23087 songs by 5204 artists mostly

*Want a webapp ?* See
Jeff07971's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=49290
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-02-19 22:14:10 UTC
Jeff07971 wrote:
> "You can just lick on the label"


R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-02-22 23:15:01 UTC
Version 1.3.3 is currently in the MS Store.

Recent Changes include:

You can now define both the Http port and the CLI port to match how you
have your Logitech Media Server configured. Typically 9000 is the http
port ID and 9090 is the CLI port ID. These are the defaults fro LMS and
those are the defaults for Squeezelite-X as well.

Media Key Integration was improved. The original approach used a
Low-Level Keyboard hook, which didn't work well with Fast User Switching
(e.g. having multiple users logged in each running an instance of
Squeezelite-X at the same time. The new method is per session, so
multiple instances logged into same machine to not interfere with each

Squeezelite-X will now not allow you to run multiple instances by the
same user session. Different users can each have an instance running in
different sessions.

I fixed a potential crash that could happen if you clicked on the tray
icon before the browser thread had fully initialized (< ~1sec).

I updated the browser dlls to the latest Chromium Embedded Framework

I updated the credits tab to fully and more elegantly give credit to
Open Source Software used to create Squeezelite-X.

That's about it. I think I'll leave it alone for awhile, as I don't
have anything else I can think of to do.


R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-02-23 21:02:18 UTC
Hi Greg,

I seem to have a problem updating my Squeezelite-X install.
As you say in the Microsoft Store Squeezelite-X is at v1.3.3 However my
Squeezelite-X is at v1.2.0 according to "About"

I have tried licking :) "Update" but with no effect

Any ideas before I Un/Re install ?


*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLiteX,PiCorePlayer
*Server:* LMS Version: Latest Nightly on Centos 7 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U1 on
Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLiteX
*Music:* 522GB,1660 albums with 23087 songs by 5204 artists mostly

*Want a webapp ?* See
Jeff07971's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=49290
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-02-24 20:51:02 UTC
Jeff07971 wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> I seem to have a problem updating my Squeezelite-X install.
> As you say in the Microsoft Store Squeezelite-X is at v1.3.3 However my
> Squeezelite-X is at v1.2.0 according to "About"
> I have tried licking :) "Update" but with no effect
> Any ideas before I Un/Re install ?
> Thanks
> Jeff

Jeff, Microsoft Store Apps will usually update on their own, but if yous
does not, then open the Microsoft Store app. In upper right, to the
right of the search bar, there is a "..." button. That brings up a menu
and there click on "downloads and updates". There you should see any
apps that have updates available. If that does not work, I don't know
what to say other than uninstall/re-install from the store.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-02-24 21:09:01 UTC
Squeezelite-X works perfectly for me.
WOL starts my VortexBox LMS server as soon as I launch Squeezelite-X on
my Win 8.1 laptop.

For users that have come in late and have Windows lower than Win10 and
therefore can't use the Windows Store, download details are here :

(Greg, perhaps you could put those details at the bottom of your opening

Well done and thank you again for an excellent app.

A camel is a racehorse designed by a committee.

Seen sprayed on the outside wall of the local library -
Three things I hate in life :
1. Vandalism
2. Irony
3. Lists
Wirrunna's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3225
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-02-24 22:04:33 UTC
Wirrunna wrote:
> Greg,
> Squeezelite-X works perfectly for me.
> WOL starts my VortexBox LMS server as soon as I launch Squeezelite-X on
> my Win 8.1 laptop.
> For users that have come in late and have Windows lower than Win10 and
> therefore can't use the Windows Store, download details are here :
> http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?107540-Windows-App-to-run-Squeezelite-and-LMS-Web-interface-from-Tray-Icon&p=886618&viewfull=1#post886618
> (Greg, perhaps you could put those details at the bottom of your opening
> post).
> Well done and thank you again for an excellent app.

I edited the first post as you requested. The link to the traditional
installer is there at the bottom now. It should work on Windows 7 or
later (not XP). Also be advised that the traditional installer does not
make Squeezelite-X auto-start on login, you'll have to add it to your
startup folder manually.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-02-25 00:23:21 UTC
rgdawson wrote:
> Jeff, Microsoft Store Apps will usually update on their own, but if yous
> does not, then open the Microsoft Store app. In upper right, to the
> right of the search bar, there is a "..." button. That brings up a menu
> and there click on "downloads and updates". There you should see any
> apps that have updates available. If that does not work, I don't know
> what to say other than uninstall/re-install from the store.
> R Greg Dawson

Thanks Greg,

I tried that but there was not that option in the ...

I just uninstalled and reinstalled was no hardship at all really. When I
uninstalled I noticed one of the "Download" versions on my machine as
well (I removed both) so we'll see next update.

Thanks for all your hard work though Squeezelite-X has become my default
control app now.


*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLiteX,PiCorePlayer
*Server:* LMS Version: Latest Nightly on Centos 7 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U1 on
Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLiteX
*Music:* 522GB,1660 albums with 23087 songs by 5204 artists mostly

*Want a webapp ?* See
Jeff07971's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=49290
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
Peter Galbavy
2018-03-02 10:07:51 UTC
Have browsed the thread but not seeing anyone else with this issue; I
have tried both the Windows 10 Store version and the standalone
installer (1.3.3) and even after successful login (remote with user and
password) the browser window remains blank and the server doesn't show
the player.

> 02/03/2018 10:04:03 Program Start
> 02/03/2018 10:04:03 CreateBrowser Called
> 02/03/2018 10:04:03 Start InitProgram...
> 02/03/2018 10:04:03 Get Output Device List
> 02/03/2018 10:04:04 CEF browser creation complete
> 02/03/2018 10:04:05 Read Settings from Registry
> 02/03/2018 10:04:05 Registered MediaKeys...
> 02/03/2018 10:04:05 TrayMenu Initialized
> 02/03/2018 10:04:05 ConnectAll Called
> 02/03/2018 10:04:05 Testing for Host...
> 02/03/2018 10:04:05 Host found OK
> 02/03/2018 10:04:05 Lms.ConnectTelnet called (Host=[X.Y.X],
> Port=9090)
> 02/03/2018 10:04:05 TelNet Connected
> 02/03/2018 10:04:05 Authentication Pending...
> 02/03/2018 10:04:05 SND (Telnet): login music ******
> 02/03/2018 10:04:05 SND (Telnet): listen 1
> 02/03/2018 10:04:05 RCV (Telnet): login music ******
> 02/03/2018 10:04:05 Authentication Succeeded.
> 02/03/2018 10:04:05 Local MacAddress = 8c:16:45:0e:XX:YY
> 02/03/2018 10:04:11 Starting Squeezelite-win.exe -n "Squeezelite-C" -s
> home.wonderland.org -m 8c:16:45:0e:XX:YY
> 02/03/2018 10:04:12 RCV (Telnet): listen 1
> 02/03/2018 10:04:12 Squeezelite-win.exe is running
> 02/03/2018 10:04:12 SND (Telnet): 8c:16:45:0e:XX:YY power 1
> 02/03/2018 10:04:12 SND (Telnet): serverstatus 0 0
> 02/03/2018 10:04:12 End InitProgram...
> 02/03/2018 10:04:12 RCV (Telnet): 8c:16:45:0e:XX:YY power 1
> 02/03/2018 10:04:12 RCV (Telnet): serverstatus 0 0 lastscan:1519956027
> version:7.9.1 uuid:5f7f1555-753f-482d-b26e-4c8ecd6d2c36
> mac:00:e0:4c:ce:XX:YY info total albums:3224 info total artists:1326
> info total genres:220 info total songs:41345 info total
> duration:35993887.8009997 player count:4 sn player count:0 other player
> count:0
> 02/03/2018 10:04:34 Known Player List for home.wonderland.org:
> 00:04:20:2a:XX:YY Squeezebox Radio
> 00:04:20:22:XX:YY Squeezebox Touch TV
> 00:04:20:1e:XX:YY Squeezebox Boom
> 00:04:20:23:XX:YY Squeezebox Touch Music

Windows 10 Pro, latest updates installed.

What else can I provide or try?

Peter Galbavy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=32718
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
Peter Galbavy
2018-03-02 10:28:44 UTC
Fixed - in case anyone else sees the same thing, I had to manually allow
squeezelite-win.exe to make outgoing connections through the Windows

I *assume* this is the same for the Store installed version, and if so
should/could this be added to the manifest or whatever Windows Store
apps come with at install?

Peter Galbavy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=32718
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-03 00:24:53 UTC
Peter Galbavy wrote:
> Final Update: Needed to (re)open port 3483 on server end for remote
> access. "sigh"
> Ignore - spoke too soon. The browser worked because I disabled
> squeezelite to test from the command line.
> Update: Whatever it is, it's something firewall-y as an install on my
> home machine (hooray for secure remote access) installs and works fine.
> (NOT) Fixed - in case anyone else sees the same thing, I had to manually
> allow squeezelite-win.exe to make outgoing connections through the
> Windows Firewall.
> I *assume* this is the same for the Store installed version, and if so
> should/could this be added to the manifest or whatever Windows Store
> apps come with at install?

You are on the right track. Yes, all the players, including
Squeezelite, communicate with the server via port 3483. Having port 3438
blocked by a firewall is a scenario I have not tested, but I know what
happens (Thanks for including the log windows data). Squeezelite-X,
waits for a signal from the server that the player is connected before
loading the browser window. The reason I do it this way is so that when
the browser interface is loaded, the player will already be in the
player list, and I did not consider a case where the squeezelite-win.exe
process succeeds in executing, but not in actually connecting to the
server. So in this case, Squeezelite-X never gets the signal the player
is connected, so never initialized the browser window. When you
disabled squeezelite player, then SLX initializes the browser without
waiting for the signal from the server that the player is connected
(since it is disabled). So that is why the browser window loaded in
that case. So the bottom line is that the player is not able to talk to
the server via port 3438. I should add some logic to SLX to detect this
scenario and provide a message to the operator. I don't know the
details for your configuration, but you may have to configure settings
on the client firewall and on the server firewall, and maybe setup your
home router port forwarding as well to forward port 3438 to your server
(assuming you are coming in from outside your home).

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
Peter Galbavy
2018-03-03 08:10:23 UTC
I was testing from my work PC to my home server. I open up individual
ports as required, but also allow UPnP for some devices. With a static
IP this works, but I have no idea how this works for dynamic DNS users.
Still not sure about port 3248 and security - 9000/9090 are login


Peter Galbavy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=32718
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-11 14:38:31 UTC
Wirrunna wrote:
> Thanks Greg. Updated my Win 8.1 this morning.
> This is a great app. Well done.

FWIW - 8 year old Toshiba laptop -- installed Windows 7 Pro 32bit..
installed the legacy version squeezeliteX- and it performs
perfectly ... very responsive etc. Well done ..now have a new LMS player
in bedroom.

kappclark's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=29572
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-01-13 16:27:46 UTC
Great, thanks. Appreciate the flexibility.

-Transcoded from Matt's brain by Tapatalk-

Hardware: 3x Touch, 1x Radio, 2x Receivers, 1 HP Microserver NAS with
Debian+LMS 7.9.0
Music: ~1300 CDs, as 450 GB of 16/44k FLACs. No less than 3x 24/44k
drmatt's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=59498
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-04 01:26:13 UTC
left channel wrote:
> Just wanted to drop in and say THANK YOU Greg for your work on this.
> Setup was beyond easy, especially compared to a manual Windows setup.
> Now I'm finally able to play from and fully coordinate my PC with the
> Squeezeboxen around the house. I've been enjoying this for several days.
> So far been able to get it to play via ASIO but not WASAPI, and also
> when my external DAC's been off and then switched back on I have to exit
> and reopen the app to get it to see that DAC, but I'm sure we'll work
> out these details over time.

You are very welcome. During development I considered the possibility
of removable output devices, so I added a refresh button next to the
Output devices combo box, so that you could refresh the list of output
devices without having to exit and restart. I don't have any such
devices to test with. But my intent is that you do not have to restart
Squeezelite-X. Did you try the refresh button? I wonder if there is a
way to code and detect when you turn your DAC on. I'll have to look
into that. Does output device number of the DAC ever change or is it
always the same?

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-05 18:12:18 UTC
left channel wrote:
> Thank you again! Don't know why I didn't see the refresh button. The
> device numbers do not change as far as I recall, but I'll watch as my
> random behavior affects this. The problem arises because I turn off the
> external audio chain from a power strip switch after I put the PC to
> sleep for the night, and sometimes forget to turn the power strip on
> until I need sound. I think the refresh button will solve the problem
> every time.
> I still can't use WASAPI (5) but basic ASIO (4) is working fine with the
> same DAC, as is (3). Haven't tested the others.
> 24644

I don't know much about WASAPI, but WASAPI doesn't work for me either.
I have read that WASAPI has two modes (SHARED and EXCLUSIVE). I'm
wondering if something else is using WASAPI in exclusive mode. I don't

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
left channel
2018-03-05 19:29:23 UTC
rgdawson wrote:
> I don't know much about WASAPI, but WASAPI doesn't work for me either.
> I have read that WASAPI has two modes (SHARED and EXCLUSIVE). I'm
> wondering if something else is using WASAPI in exclusive mode. I don't
> know.
> R Greg Dawson

Yes there's a whole subculture built up around using WASAPI in exclusive
mode for best sound quality. My other player apps are set to WASAPI
exclusive, but none were running when I tried that in Squeezelite-X.
When I launch them they grab that mode immediately, and would complain
if they found Squeezelite-X already owning it. So yes it's a can of
worms and maybe you don't want to go there, but I suspect you'll be
receiving more questions about this.

left channel's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=67918
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
Man in a van
2018-03-05 21:52:48 UTC
Just tried wasapi and it's working here


|Filename: wasapi squeezelite.png |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24658|

Man in a van's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=43627
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-06 00:51:36 UTC
left channel wrote:
> Yes there's a whole subculture built up around using WASAPI in exclusive
> mode for best sound quality. My other player apps are set to WASAPI
> exclusive, but none were running when I tried that in Squeezelite-X.
> When I launch them they grab that mode immediately, and would complain
> if they found Squeezelite-X already owning it. So yes it's a can of
> worms and maybe you don't want to go there, but I suspect you'll be
> receiving more questions about this.

I'm afraid all you are gonna get is existing underlying functionality of
squeezelite-win.exe which SLX runs under the covers. I thought I saw it
working for me before. I see that it works for others. I still suspect
contention with other process. In any case I don't have any code that
directly addresses it, I'm just passing along your output device choice
to squeezelite-win.exe and it takes it from there.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-06 01:50:07 UTC
I see in the Microsoft Store telemetry there are 529 installed devices
so far across 340 users for Squeezelite-X. I don't know if that count
includes all installs or just those from machines that report it based
on their privacy settings. That is still more than I ever expected. I
wonder how many people total are actually running their own LMS servers
these days. I am still amazed at all the functionality one can get with
a $40 Raspberry Pi and the Squeezebox ecosystem. I feared it would die,
but it will not die. This is all so much fun. Though my kids think I'm
crazy while they show me their Alexa and Google devices playing Spotify.
My son-in-law says I am the ONLY person he knows that plays actual
Blu-Ray disks!

Here are the demographics for Squeezelite-X:

Age Group:
Under 17: 0.6%
18-24: 2.4%
25-34: 11.8%
35-49: 25.5%
50 and over: 57.1%
Unknown: 1.8%

I fall in the 50+ category. So looks like I have developed an app for
my own age group (mostly), haha. Under 24? 3%, haha!

Male: 36.8%
Female: 4.4%
Unknown: 58.8%

Interesting that 1.8% of people omit their age , but 58.8% omit their
gender. Anyway I'm guessing that 90% of Squeezelite-X users are male,
assuming the unknowns are distributed similarly as the known genders.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
Paul Webster
2018-03-06 10:09:19 UTC
rgdawson wrote:
> I am still amazed at all the functionality one can get with a $40
> Raspberry Pi and the Squeezebox ecosystem. I feared it would die, but
> it will not die.
> ...
> Age Group:
> ...
> 50 and over: 57.1%

I wonder if the people will die before the kit!

Paul Webster
Paul Webster's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=105
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-06 11:54:09 UTC
rgdawson wrote:
> I see in the Microsoft Store telemetry there are 529 installed devices
> so far across 340 users for Squeezelite-X. I don't know if that count
> includes all installs or just those from machines that report it based
> on their privacy settings. That is still more than I ever expected. I
> wonder how many people total are actually running their own LMS servers
> these days. I am still amazed at all the functionality one can get with
> a $40 Raspberry Pi and the Squeezebox ecosystem. I feared it would die,
> but it will not die. This is all so much fun. Though my kids think I'm
> crazy while they show me their Alexa and Google devices playing Spotify.
> My son-in-law says I am the ONLY person he knows that plays actual
> Blu-Ray disks!
> Here are the demographics for Squeezelite-X:
> Age Group:
> Under 17: 0.6%
> 18-24: 2.4%
> 25-34: 11.8%
> 35-49: 25.5%
> 50 and over: 57.1%
> Unknown: 1.8%
> I fall in the 50+ category. So looks like I have developed an app for
> my own age group (mostly), haha. Under 24? 3%, haha!
> Gender:
> Male: 36.8%
> Female: 4.4%
> Unknown: 58.8%
> Interesting that 1.8% of people omit their age , but 58.8% omit their
> gender. Anyway I'm guessing that 90% of Squeezelite-X users are male,
> assuming the unknowns are distributed similarly as the known genders.
> R Greg Dawson

Very interesting, but no surprise. We are dinosaurs.

reinholdk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=36070
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-06 16:23:44 UTC
I haven't tested WASAPI in squeezelite for a long time as I don't use
the squeezelite windows builds anymore but there is a 'windows 10 WASAPI
fix to the portaudio library'

I've uploaded 'a build with the WASAPI portaudio change'
to test. There are no squeezelite changes in this build only a newer
portaudio library.


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
(https://sourceforge.net/projects/lmsclients/files/) 'donations'
always appreciated.
ralphy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3484
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-07 01:03:47 UTC
ralphy wrote:
> I haven't tested WASAPI in squeezelite for a long time as I don't use
> the squeezelite windows builds anymore but there is a 'windows 10 WASAPI
> fix to the portaudio library'
> (https://assembla.com/code/portaudio/git/merge_requests/4995123).
> I've uploaded 'a build with the WASAPI portaudio change'
> (https://sourceforge.net/projects/lmsclients/files/squeezelite/windows/squeezelite-1.8.7-1052-win10wasapifix.zip/download)
> to test. There are no squeezelite changes in this build only a newer
> portaudio library.

Thanks Ralphy, I'll snag that tonight and check it out.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-07 04:36:45 UTC
ralphy wrote:
> I haven't tested WASAPI in squeezelite for a long time as I don't use
> the squeezelite windows builds anymore but there is a 'windows 10 WASAPI
> fix to the portaudio library'
> (https://assembla.com/code/portaudio/git/merge_requests/4995123).
> I've uploaded 'a build with the WASAPI portaudio change'
> (https://sourceforge.net/projects/lmsclients/files/squeezelite/windows/squeezelite-1.8.7-1052-win10wasapifix.zip/download)
> to test. There are no squeezelite changes in this build only a newer
> portaudio library.

I tried the new version of squeezelite-win with the portaudio library
update. I ran it standalone and WASAPI didn't work for me. Log says
device is invalid.


So I am not sure what the issue is. In my case I have my audio going
through my DisplayPort interface to monitor. WASAPI doesn't work but
Windows DirectSound does work and it sounds great to me. I don't know
what is going on with WASAPI.

R Greg Dawson

|Filename: Capture.PNG |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24667|

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
left channel
2018-03-07 17:52:46 UTC
Thanks @ralphy @rgdawson and @Jeff07971, unless we see more requests
here perhaps this is not worth further time, though I'm sure we'd all
like to solve the mystery of why WASAPI works for some and not others.

I'm getting good results with my ASIO driver, which I installed for a
different DAC (not connected now so not shown in the list, and
defaulting instead to the first DAC it can find). ASIO provides similar
benefits over DirectSound, and it's actually a relief not to have to
fully exit Squeezelite-X when I open another player or even try to play
a YouTube vid, as I'd have to do with Squeezelite in WASAPI exclusive
mode. Shared mode is probably the best setting for an app that lives in
the systray.

The user base skews male and over 50, huh? :-) Situation normal, and
I've been recommending this app to other Old Guys on other forums.

left channel's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=67918
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-09 12:31:09 UTC
rgdawson wrote:
> I tried the new version of squeezelite-win with the portaudio library
> update. I ran it standalone and WASAPI didn't work for me. Log says
> device is invalid.
> So I am not sure what the issue is. In my case I have my audio going
> through my DisplayPort interface to monitor. WASAPI doesn't work but
> Windows DirectSound does work and it sounds great to me. I don't know
> what is going on with WASAPI.
> R Greg Dawson

The WASAPI device needs to have it's shared mode default sample format
set to 44100Hz on the control panel advanced properities tab for the
sound card. That's the format squeezelite first opens the device with
and in shared mode windows will not let an application change it.
Squeezelite has no code to allow opening a WASAPI device in exclusive
mode. You would need to use the squeezelite resample option to force
all output to 44100Hz otherwise when you try to play a song that has a
different sample rate it will not play. A WDM-KS device is a better
option than WASAPI IMHO.


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
(https://sourceforge.net/projects/lmsclients/files/) 'donations'
always appreciated.
ralphy's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3484
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-09 13:22:04 UTC
Hi Greg,

I reboot my NUC every morning at 5am. Every few days Squeezelite-X opens
itself up on the config page with no settings and no device connection -
the tray icon is not showing up blue! I have to enter Host Name (IP),
Player Name and Output Device then apply. It then runs properly for a
few days and even picks up previously entered Tray Links. The following
is the relevant part of the log...

09/03/2018 05:01:22 Program Start
09/03/2018 05:01:22 CreateBrowser Called
09/03/2018 05:01:22 Start InitProgram...
09/03/2018 05:01:22 Get Output Device List
09/03/2018 05:01:23 Read Settings from Registry
09/03/2018 05:01:23 TrayMenu Initialized
09/03/2018 05:01:23 Host/PlayerName not defined, Show Settings
09/03/2018 05:01:23 End InitProgram...
09/03/2018 05:01:23 CEF browser creation complete
09/03/2018 09:11:29 ** Applying New Settings...
09/03/2018 09:11:29 StopSqueezeliteProcess Called, squeezelite-win.exe
not running.
09/03/2018 09:11:29 Save settings to registry
09/03/2018 09:11:29 UnRegistered MediaKeys...
09/03/2018 09:11:29 ConnectAll Called
09/03/2018 09:11:29 Testing for Host...
09/03/2018 09:11:29 Host found OK
09/03/2018 09:11:29 Lms.ConnectTelnet called (Host=,
09/03/2018 09:11:29 TelNet Connected
09/03/2018 09:11:29 SND (Telnet): listen 1
09/03/2018 09:11:29 RCV (Telnet): listen 1
09/03/2018 09:11:29 Local MacAddress = xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
09/03/2018 09:11:29 Starting Squeezelite-win.exe -s -n
"Intel-NUC" -o 6 -C 60 -m xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
09/03/2018 09:11:30 Squeezelite-win.exe is running
09/03/2018 09:11:30 SND (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx power 1
09/03/2018 09:11:30 SND (Telnet): serverstatus 0 0
09/03/2018 09:11:30 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx power 1
09/03/2018 09:11:30 RCV (Telnet): serverstatus 0 0 lastscan:1519326993
version:7.9.1 uuid:94f97abc-5e53-46a4-8825-143a981b0892
mac:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx info total albums:2340 info total artists:3262
info total genres:96 info total songs:29492 info total
duration:7384952.16900002 player count:3 sn player count:0 other player
09/03/2018 09:11:38 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx client new
09/03/2018 09:11:38 Refresh Browser (
09/03/2018 09:11:38 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx alarm _cmd

I've replaced the real mac address with xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

I don't know if this is a bug or a fault on my setup.


1 x Touch
1 x Radio
1 x Boom
1 x Intel-NUC server/squeezelite running LMS 7.91 on Windows 10
1 X Odroid-XU4 server/squeezelite running LMS 7.91 on Ubuntu 16.04
WaveIO USB into Lavry DA-10 DAC
Starfish Pre-amp : Based on NAIM NAC 72
Heavily modified NAIM NAP 250 Power-amp
Behringer DEQ2496
Linn Isobarik DMS
bobertuk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=30376
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-09 15:51:15 UTC

What version are you running and is it the store version or windows
installer version? The log you attached shows an instance where it was
apparently successful.

When SLX starts up, it looks in the registry to get the settings. If
either hostname or player name are not found it will automatically show
the settings screen. Your description indicates that occasionally, upon
reboot, SLX starts up and does not find anything in the registry. In
that case you would see something like the following in the log:

3/9/2018 8:21:28am Program Start
3/9/2018 8:21:28am CreateBrowser Called
3/9/2018 8:21:28am CEF browser creation complete
3/9/2018 8:21:28am Start InitProgram...
3/9/2018 8:21:28am Get Output Device List
3/9/2018 8:21:29am Read Settings from Registry
3/9/2018 8:21:29am Registering MediaKeys...
3/9/2018 8:21:29am TrayMenu Initialized
3/9/2018 8:21:29am Host/PlayerName not defined, Show Settings

Now the fact that the tray links are always there is weird. Let me know
what version, whether Windows Installer or Store version and whether you
have both or have ever had both. I'll see what I can figure out.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-09 18:41:22 UTC
rgdawson wrote:
> bobertuk,
> What version are you running and is it the store version or windows
> installer version?
> When SLX starts up, it looks in the registry to get the settings. If
> either hostname or player name are not found it will automatically show
> the settings screen. Your description indicates that occasionally, upon
> reboot, SLX starts up and does not find anything in the registry.
> Now the fact that the tray links are always there is weird. Let me know
> what version, whether Windows Installer or Store version and whether you
> have both or have ever had both. I'll see what I can figure out.
> R Greg Dawson

I'm running only the Store version 1.3.3. Originally I used the Windows
Installer but deleted that and started to use the apx version you
provided on OneDrive. When I first started to use the apx version I
think I remember having installed it alongside the Installer version but
ended up with two running instances so deleted the Installer version -
but that was some months ago and this issue has only been evident over
the last two weeks. I haven't made any changes to my running Windows 10
or installed anything new - although there may have been some Windows 10


1 x Touch
1 x Radio
1 x Boom
1 x Intel-NUC server/squeezelite running LMS 7.91 on Windows 10
1 X Odroid-XU4 server/squeezelite running LMS 7.91 on Ubuntu 16.04
WaveIO USB into Lavry DA-10 DAC
Starfish Pre-amp : Based on NAIM NAC 72
Heavily modified NAIM NAP 250 Power-amp
Behringer DEQ2496
Linn Isobarik DMS
bobertuk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=30376
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-09 20:22:17 UTC
bobertuk wrote:
> I'm running only the Store version 1.3.3. Originally I used the Windows
> Installer but deleted that and started to use the apx version you
> provided on OneDrive. When I first started to use the apx version I
> think I remember having installed it alongside the Installer version but
> ended up with two running instances so deleted the Installer version -
> but that was some months ago and this issue has only been evident over
> the last two weeks. I haven't made any changes to my running Windows 10
> or installed anything new - although there may have been some Windows 10
> auto-updates.
> Bob

OK that is the latest version. I'm on the case. Have you interacted
with the LMS Settings Page, Player tab (via a browser)? I'm looking at
code that is supposed to react to player name changes, when made
externally from the LMS Settings through a browser or from an external

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-09 22:52:54 UTC
rgdawson wrote:
> OK that is the latest version. I'm on the case. Have you interacted
> with the LMS Settings Page, Player tab (via a browser)? I'm looking at
> code that is supposed to react to player name changes, when made
> externally from the LMS Settings through a browser or from an external
> device.
> R Greg Dawson

I am familiar with Settings/Player and always make any required changes
via a browser. Haven't made any changes there for some time though.


1 x Touch
1 x Radio
1 x Boom
1 x Intel-NUC server/squeezelite running LMS 7.91 on Windows 10
1 X Odroid-XU4 server/squeezelite running LMS 7.91 on Ubuntu 16.04
WaveIO USB into Lavry DA-10 DAC
Starfish Pre-amp : Based on NAIM NAC 72
Heavily modified NAIM NAP 250 Power-amp
Behringer DEQ2496
Linn Isobarik DMS
bobertuk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=30376
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-10 01:25:23 UTC
bobertuk wrote:
> I am familiar with Settings/Player and always make any required changes
> via a browser. Haven't made any changes there for some time though.
> Bob

OK, just checking, since I found some code there that if you even looked
at the SLX player there and the player name had a space in it there
could be a problem but only that SLX would think the player name changed
to whatever preceded the space. (Not your issue.) Somehow ALL the
settings on the SLX settings page are getting replaced with blank. I
can't reproduce it but that does not deter me, haha, I always assume it
is my fault. :-) I'll look at all my termination code and see if there
is a way this can happen.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
left channel
2018-03-10 04:52:40 UTC
ralphy wrote:
> The WASAPI device needs to have its shared mode default sample format
> set to 44100Hz on the control panel advanced properities tab for the
> sound card. That's the format squeezelite first opens the device with
> and in shared mode windows will not let an application change it.
> Squeezelite has no code to allow opening a WASAPI device in exclusive
> mode. You would need to use the squeezelite resample option to force
> all output to 44100Hz otherwise when you try to play a song that has a
> different sample rate it will not play. A WDM-KS device is a better
> option than WASAPI IMHO.

OK my curiosity is more than satisfied, thanks. Let's not go there.

left channel's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=67918
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-10 11:04:21 UTC

First, thanks for this awesome app. Really appreciate the effort put in.

I`ve installed version 1.3.3 from the windows store, and whilst its
working fine as a standalone player, when its synced with my other
players (2 radios, a duet, and a Transporter) the playback is quite
badly out of sync. All other players (which are a mix of wired and
wireless) are perfectly in sync.

This issue shows up on local playback and also via spotty.

Is this something that can be addressed on the client side with
settings, or is it a bug?

Give me a shout if I can supply logs or other diagnostics which would


scoob101's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4957
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-10 12:38:57 UTC
ralphy wrote:
> The WASAPI device needs to have it's shared mode default sample format
> set to 44100Hz on the control panel advanced properities tab for the
> sound card. That's the format squeezelite first opens the device with
> and in shared mode windows will not let an application change it.
> Squeezelite has no code to allow opening a WASAPI device in exclusive
> mode. You would need to use the squeezelite resample option to force
> all output to 44100Hz otherwise when you try to play a song that has a
> different sample rate it will not play. A WDM-KS device is a better
> option than WASAPI IMHO.

Well that solved the WASAPI problem. I had share-mode default sample
format set to "DVD Quality", which is 48000Hz. Changed to "CD Quality"
(44100Hz) and not WASAPI works fine. Thanks for that tip.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-10 17:31:33 UTC
Wanted to chime in with others that this is working fine with my Windows
machine ... I am running LMS on a Vortexbox 2.4 with 3 players ..
seamless.. Bravo

kappclark's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=29572
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-06 09:45:41 UTC
left channel wrote:
> Yes there's a whole subculture built up around using WASAPI in exclusive
> mode for best sound quality. My other player apps are set to WASAPI
> exclusive, but none were running when I tried that in Squeezelite-X.
> When I launch them they grab that mode immediately, and would complain
> if they found Squeezelite-X already owning it. So yes it's a can of
> worms and maybe you don't want to go there, but I suspect you'll be
> receiving more questions about this.

Its probably a good idea to ask the question here:-

Its the thread for the player that SL-X uses.

BTW Have you tried the command line version of squeezelite for windows
to see if that works ? That may narrow the problem down


*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLiteX,PiCorePlayer
*Server:* LMS Version: Latest Nightly on Centos 7 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U1 on
Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLiteX
*Music:* 522GB,1660 albums with 23087 songs by 5204 artists mostly

*Want a webapp ?* See
Jeff07971's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=49290
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-10 11:10:22 UTC
You can set startup delay parameters per-player in LMS. Unsurprisingly
it's only well calibrated out of the box for native hardware players and
for everything else it's implementation dependent. In the sense that
Greg's squeezelite launcher can't get it right for you.

-Transcoded from Matt's brain by Tapatalk-

Hardware: 3x Touch, 1x Radio, 2x Receivers, 1 HP Microserver NAS with
Debian+LMS 7.9.0
Music: ~1300 CDs, as 450 GB of 16/44k FLACs. No less than 3x 24/44k
drmatt's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=59498
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-13 08:31:21 UTC
Hi Greg,

Settings lost again this morning 4 days after my original post on the
issue - which is about the usual time period between losing settings.
The complete log content before attempting to restart is as follows...

13/03/2018 05:01:31 Program Start
13/03/2018 05:01:31 CreateBrowser Called
13/03/2018 05:01:32 Start InitProgram...
13/03/2018 05:01:32 Get Output Device List
13/03/2018 05:01:32 Read Settings from Registry
13/03/2018 05:01:32 TrayMenu Initialized
13/03/2018 05:01:32 Host/PlayerName not defined, Show Settings
13/03/2018 05:01:32 End InitProgram...
13/03/2018 05:01:32 CEF browser creation complete

The settings are not picked up immediately after my 5am reboot - logging
starts at 05:01:31

The following is added to the log immediately after entering Hostname,
Player Name and Output Device then applying...

13/03/2018 08:13:45 ** Applying New Settings...
13/03/2018 08:13:45 StopSqueezeliteProcess Called, squeezelite-win.exe
not running.
13/03/2018 08:13:45 Save settings to registry
13/03/2018 08:13:45 UnRegistered MediaKeys...
13/03/2018 08:13:45 ConnectAll Called
13/03/2018 08:13:45 Testing for Host...
13/03/2018 08:13:46 Host found OK
13/03/2018 08:13:46 Lms.ConnectTelnet called (Host=,
13/03/2018 08:13:46 TelNet Connected
13/03/2018 08:13:46 SND (Telnet): listen 1
13/03/2018 08:13:46 RCV (Telnet): listen 1
13/03/2018 08:13:46 Local MacAddress = xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
13/03/2018 08:13:46 Starting Squeezelite-win.exe -n "Intel-NUC" -s -o 6 -C 60 -W -m xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
13/03/2018 08:13:46 Squeezelite-win.exe is running
13/03/2018 08:13:46 SND (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx power 1
13/03/2018 08:13:46 SND (Telnet): serverstatus 0 0
13/03/2018 08:13:46 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx power 1
13/03/2018 08:13:46 RCV (Telnet): serverstatus 0 0 lastscan:1520862323
version:7.9.1 uuid:94f97abc-5e53-46a4-8825-143a981b0892
mac:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx info total albums:2341 info total artists:3262
info total genres:96 info total songs:29502 info total
duration:7387212.12600002 player count:3 sn player count:0 other player
13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx client new
13/03/2018 08:13:54 Refresh Browser (
13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx alarm _cmd
13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx playlist addtracks
listref ARRAY(0xc93cd4c) index:0
13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): f4:4d:30:6c:d3:ac prefset
plugin.C3PO sampleRates HASH(0xf21424c)
13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): f4:4d:30:6c:d3:ac prefset
plugin.C3PO dsdRates HASH(0xf20fcfc)
13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): f4:4d:30:6c:d3:ac prefset
plugin.C3PO codecsCli HASH(0xf20fecc)
13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): f4:4d:30:6c:d3:ac prefset
plugin.C3PO codecs HASH(0xf20ff8c)
13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): f4:4d:30:6c:d3:ac prefset
plugin.C3PO enableSeek HASH(0xf2141cc)
13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): f4:4d:30:6c:d3:ac prefset
plugin.C3PO enableStdin HASH(0xf20fc6c)
13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): f4:4d:30:6c:d3:ac prefset
plugin.C3PO enableConvert HASH(0xc2c71b4)
13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): f4:4d:30:6c:d3:ac prefset
plugin.C3PO enableResample HASH(0xc2c7174)
13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): f4:4d:30:6c:d3:ac prefset
plugin.C3PO enableEffects HASH(0xc2c71d4)
13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): f4:4d:30:6c:d3:ac menustatus
ARRAY(0xf211334) add xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
13/03/2018 08:14:05 RCV (Telnet): 00:04:20:26:ef:00 newmetadata

Hopefully this is helpful


1 x Touch
1 x Radio
1 x Boom
1 x Intel-NUC server/squeezelite running LMS 7.91 on Windows 10
1 X Odroid-XU4 server/squeezelite running LMS 7.91 on Ubuntu 16.04
WaveIO USB into Lavry DA-10 DAC
Starfish Pre-amp : Based on NAIM NAC 72
Heavily modified NAIM NAP 250 Power-amp
Behringer DEQ2496
Linn Isobarik DMS
bobertuk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=30376
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-13 14:55:43 UTC
bobertuk wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> Settings lost again this morning 4 days after my original post on the
> issue - which is about the usual time period between losing settings.
> The complete log content before attempting to restart is as follows...
> 13/03/2018 05:01:31 Program Start
> 13/03/2018 05:01:31 CreateBrowser Called
> 13/03/2018 05:01:32 Start InitProgram...
> 13/03/2018 05:01:32 Get Output Device List
> 13/03/2018 05:01:32 Read Settings from Registry
> 13/03/2018 05:01:32 TrayMenu Initialized
> 13/03/2018 05:01:32 Host/PlayerName not defined, Show Settings
> Dialog...
> 13/03/2018 05:01:32 End InitProgram...
> 13/03/2018 05:01:32 CEF browser creation complete
> The settings are not picked up immediately after my 5am reboot - logging
> starts at 05:01:31
> The following is added to the log immediately after entering Hostname,
> Player Name and Output Device then applying...
> 13/03/2018 08:13:45 ** Applying New Settings...
> 13/03/2018 08:13:45 StopSqueezeliteProcess Called, squeezelite-win.exe
> not running.
> 13/03/2018 08:13:45 Save settings to registry
> 13/03/2018 08:13:45 UnRegistered MediaKeys...
> 13/03/2018 08:13:45 ConnectAll Called
> 13/03/2018 08:13:45 Testing for Host...
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 Host found OK
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 Lms.ConnectTelnet called (Host=,
> Port=9090)
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 TelNet Connected
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 SND (Telnet): listen 1
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 RCV (Telnet): listen 1
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 Local MacAddress = xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 Starting Squeezelite-win.exe -n "Intel-NUC" -s
> -o 6 -C 60 -W -m xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 Squeezelite-win.exe is running
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 SND (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx power 1
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 SND (Telnet): serverstatus 0 0
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx power 1
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 RCV (Telnet): serverstatus 0 0 lastscan:1520862323
> version:7.9.1 uuid:94f97abc-5e53-46a4-8825-143a981b0892
> mac:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx info total albums:2341 info total artists:3262
> info total genres:96 info total songs:29502 info total
> duration:7387212.12600002 player count:3 sn player count:0 other player
> count:0
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx client new
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 Refresh Browser (
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx alarm _cmd
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx playlist addtracks
> listref ARRAY(0xc93cd4c) index:0
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx prefset
> plugin.C3PO sampleRates HASH(0xf21424c)
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx prefset
> plugin.C3PO dsdRates HASH(0xf20fcfc)
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx prefset
> plugin.C3PO codecsCli HASH(0xf20fecc)
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx prefset
> plugin.C3PO codecs HASH(0xf20ff8c)
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx prefset
> plugin.C3PO enableSeek HASH(0xf2141cc)
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx prefset
> plugin.C3PO enableStdin HASH(0xf20fc6c)
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx prefset
> plugin.C3PO enableConvert HASH(0xc2c71b4)
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx prefset
> plugin.C3PO enableResample HASH(0xc2c7174)
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx prefset
> plugin.C3PO enableEffects HASH(0xc2c71d4)
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx menustatus
> ARRAY(0xf211334) add xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
> 13/03/2018 08:14:05 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx newmetadata
> Hopefully this is helpful
> Bob


I just submitted a new version to the Store (Version 1.3.4), so you
should see it in a few days, usually takes about 3 days for it to get
through certification and publishing. I've been looking at/for this
issue since you raised it. I have made some changes in the startup code
that might fix the issue. Whatever the issue is, I think it is
occurring the day before, or in the previous run of the app that is
saving blanks to the registry. I couldn't actually reproduce it, but I
have made changes to eliminate a possibility of saving blank settings.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-13 15:08:52 UTC
rgdawson wrote:
> Bob,
> I just submitted a new version to the Store (Version 1.3.4), so you
> should see it in a few days, usually takes about 3 days for it to get
> through certification and publishing. I've been looking at/for this
> issue since you raised it. I have made some changes in the startup code
> that might fix the issue. Whatever the issue is, I think it is
> occurring the day before, or in the previous run of the app that is
> saving blanks to the registry. I couldn't actually reproduce it, but I
> have made changes to eliminate a possibility of saving blank settings.
> R Greg Dawson

Thanks Greg. IÂ’ll give it a go when it becomes available and let you
know what happens.


1 x Touch
1 x Radio
1 x Boom
1 x Intel-NUC server/squeezelite running LMS 7.91 on Windows 10
1 X Odroid-XU4 server/squeezelite running LMS 7.91 on Ubuntu 16.04
WaveIO USB into Lavry DA-10 DAC
Starfish Pre-amp : Based on NAIM NAC 72
Heavily modified NAIM NAP 250 Power-amp
Behringer DEQ2496
Linn Isobarik DMS
bobertuk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=30376
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-14 13:58:06 UTC
bobertuk wrote:
> Thanks Greg. IÂ’ll give it a go when it becomes available and let you
> know what happens.
> Bob

Version 1.3.4 completed certification step over night, so if you go to
MS Store that is the package you get, even though the text on the store
page will take another day to get updated. In other words, you can
update to 1.3.4 now.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-14 16:00:36 UTC
rgdawson wrote:
> Version 1.3.4 completed certification step over night, so if you go to
> MS Store that is the package you get, even though the text on the store
> page will take another day to get updated. In other words, you can
> update to 1.3.4 now.
> R Greg Dawson

Installed and running. I'll report back to let you know how it goes.


1 x Touch
1 x Radio
1 x Boom
1 x Intel-NUC server/squeezelite running LMS 7.91 on Windows 10
1 X Odroid-XU4 server/squeezelite running LMS 7.91 on Ubuntu 16.04
WaveIO USB into Lavry DA-10 DAC
Starfish Pre-amp : Based on NAIM NAC 72
Heavily modified NAIM NAP 250 Power-amp
Behringer DEQ2496
Linn Isobarik DMS
bobertuk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=30376
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
left channel
2018-03-16 22:35:13 UTC
Updated and working well.

left channel's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=67918
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-22 13:36:37 UTC
bobertuk wrote:
> Installed and running. I'll report back to let you know how it goes.
> Bob

Bob, Have not heard anything, so I'm hoping your issue is solved?

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-22 15:32:34 UTC
rgdawson wrote:
> Bob, Have not heard anything, so I'm hoping your issue is solved?
> R Greg Dawson

Hi Greg,

I've been using v1.34 then v1.35 as soon as they were available on the
store. Hadn't reported back yet as the issue only happened every 4 or 5
days. So far no problems at all so i think it's resolved - if it does
show up again I'll report back but it all looks good.


1 x Touch
1 x Radio
1 x Boom
1 x Intel-NUC server/squeezelite running LMS 7.91 on Windows 10
1 X Odroid-XU4 server/squeezelite running LMS 7.91 on Ubuntu 16.04
WaveIO USB into Lavry DA-10 DAC
Starfish Pre-amp : Based on NAIM NAC 72
Heavily modified NAIM NAP 250 Power-amp
Behringer DEQ2496
Linn Isobarik DMS
bobertuk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=30376
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-17 09:55:47 UTC
rgdawson wrote:
> Version 1.3.4 completed certification step over night, so if you go to
> MS Store that is the package you get, even though the text on the store
> page will take another day to get updated. In other words, you can
> update to 1.3.4 now.
> R Greg Dawson

Hmmm from it not updating my SL-X is now, after an update this morning
at v1.3.5 ??


|Filename: 2018-03-17 09_53_09-Squeezelite-X.jpg |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24724|

*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLiteX,PiCorePlayer
*Server:* LMS Version: Latest Nightly on Centos 7 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U1 on
Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLiteX
*Music:* 522GB,1660 albums with 23087 songs by 5204 artists mostly

*Want a webapp ?* See
Jeff07971's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=49290
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-18 03:16:01 UTC
Just found this - pretty damn cool!

FYI - I went to download the app directly (instead of the Win10 Store),
but found it was v1.3.4 not v1.3.5

1 x Transporter w/Trans-knob, 2 x Touch (Active, 3 x Spares), 4 x Boom
(Active, 8 x Spares)
1 x Win Server (ESXi 6.x) w/LMS
1 x HP 24" Touch Screen PC w/LMS & SqueezePlay)
4 x iDevices w/iPeng app/player
1 x Samsung Note 4, 3ea x Fire 7", 8” tablets, 1 x 10" all w/SqueezeCtrl
& Player (Angry Goat)
Mark Levinson 23.5 Amp, 380s Pre, 390s CD
B&W 801 II, Acoustic Energy AE-1 signature
SOTA Sapphire table

Computer geek/tech hoarder(!), and DAMN I love the LMS/Squeeze
markm9999's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65015
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
left channel
2018-03-18 14:13:35 UTC
Interesting. I updated via the store and got 1.3.5 as well. Still
working well.

left channel's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=67918
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-18 18:54:57 UTC
left channel wrote:
> Interesting. I updated via the store and got 1.3.5 as well. Still
> working well.
1.3.5 came immediately after 1.3.4 to fix a little GUI issue with on of
the settings controls functionality did not change in 1.3.5.

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-19 20:02:49 UTC
markm9999 wrote:
> Just found this - pretty damn cool!
> FYI - I went to download the app directly (instead of the Win10 Store),
> but found it was v1.3.4 not v1.3.5

Just saw and realized I had not put the 1.3.5 legacy installer in the
OneDrive location. It's there now.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-20 02:30:44 UTC
rgdawson wrote:
> Just saw and realized I had not put the 1.3.5 legacy installer in the
> OneDrive location. It's there now.
> R Greg Dawson

Sorry, I should have used the correct term - Legacy Installer ;)

1 x Transporter w/Trans-knob, 2 x Touch (Active, 3 x Spares), 4 x Boom
(Active, 8 x Spares)
1 x Win Server (ESXi 6.x) w/LMS
1 x HP 24" Touch Screen PC w/LMS & SqueezePlay)
4 x iDevices w/iPeng app/player
1 x Samsung Note 4, 3ea x Fire 7", 8” tablets, 1 x 10" all w/SqueezeCtrl
& Player (Angry Goat)
Mark Levinson 23.5 Amp, 380s Pre, 390s CD
B&W 801 II, Acoustic Energy AE-1 signature
SOTA Sapphire table

Computer geek/tech hoarder(!), and DAMN I love the LMS/Squeeze
markm9999's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65015
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-27 09:16:26 UTC
bobertuk wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> Settings lost again this morning 4 days after my original post on the
> issue - which is about the usual time period between losing settings.
> The complete log content before attempting to restart is as follows...
> 13/03/2018 05:01:31 Program Start
> 13/03/2018 05:01:31 CreateBrowser Called
> 13/03/2018 05:01:32 Start InitProgram...
> 13/03/2018 05:01:32 Get Output Device List
> 13/03/2018 05:01:32 Read Settings from Registry
> 13/03/2018 05:01:32 TrayMenu Initialized
> 13/03/2018 05:01:32 Host/PlayerName not defined, Show Settings
> Dialog...
> 13/03/2018 05:01:32 End InitProgram...
> 13/03/2018 05:01:32 CEF browser creation complete
> The settings are not picked up immediately after my 5am reboot - logging
> starts at 05:01:31
> The following is added to the log immediately after entering Hostname,
> Player Name and Output Device then applying...
> 13/03/2018 08:13:45 ** Applying New Settings...
> 13/03/2018 08:13:45 StopSqueezeliteProcess Called, squeezelite-win.exe
> not running.
> 13/03/2018 08:13:45 Save settings to registry
> 13/03/2018 08:13:45 UnRegistered MediaKeys...
> 13/03/2018 08:13:45 ConnectAll Called
> 13/03/2018 08:13:45 Testing for Host...
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 Host found OK
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 Lms.ConnectTelnet called (Host=,
> Port=9090)
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 TelNet Connected
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 SND (Telnet): listen 1
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 RCV (Telnet): listen 1
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 Local MacAddress = xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 Starting Squeezelite-win.exe -n "Intel-NUC" -s
> -o 6 -C 60 -W -m xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 Squeezelite-win.exe is running
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 SND (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx power 1
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 SND (Telnet): serverstatus 0 0
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx power 1
> 13/03/2018 08:13:46 RCV (Telnet): serverstatus 0 0 lastscan:1520862323
> version:7.9.1 uuid:94f97abc-5e53-46a4-8825-143a981b0892
> mac:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx info total albums:2341 info total artists:3262
> info total genres:96 info total songs:29502 info total
> duration:7387212.12600002 player count:3 sn player count:0 other player
> count:0
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx client new
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 Refresh Browser (
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx alarm _cmd
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx playlist addtracks
> listref ARRAY(0xc93cd4c) index:0
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx prefset
> plugin.C3PO sampleRates HASH(0xf21424c)
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx prefset
> plugin.C3PO dsdRates HASH(0xf20fcfc)
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx prefset
> plugin.C3PO codecsCli HASH(0xf20fecc)
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx prefset
> plugin.C3PO codecs HASH(0xf20ff8c)
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx prefset
> plugin.C3PO enableSeek HASH(0xf2141cc)
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx prefset
> plugin.C3PO enableStdin HASH(0xf20fc6c)
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx prefset
> plugin.C3PO enableConvert HASH(0xc2c71b4)
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx prefset
> plugin.C3PO enableResample HASH(0xc2c7174)
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx prefset
> plugin.C3PO enableEffects HASH(0xc2c71d4)
> 13/03/2018 08:13:54 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx menustatus
> ARRAY(0xf211334) add xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
> 13/03/2018 08:14:05 RCV (Telnet): xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx newmetadata
> Hopefully this is helpful
> Bob

I can confirm with confidence now that v1.34/1.35 has resolved this
issue. SqueezeLite-X has been running for 12 days now without

Thanks Greg


1 x Touch
1 x Radio
1 x Boom
1 x Intel-NUC server/squeezelite running LMS 7.91 on Windows 10
1 X Odroid-XU4 server/squeezelite running LMS 7.91 on Ubuntu 16.04
WaveIO USB into Lavry DA-10 DAC
Starfish Pre-amp : Based on NAIM NAC 72
Heavily modified NAIM NAP 250 Power-amp
Behringer DEQ2496
Linn Isobarik DMS
bobertuk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=30376
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-27 13:54:53 UTC
Sorry if this sounds crazy Greg, but is there a way to get SLX to behave
like a normal windows app? You know, old school - when I launch the app
it opens a window, when I close the window it closes the app, etc. I
know I can do this from the tray, but just wondering.

pkcrawford's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4074
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-27 14:55:52 UTC
pkcrawford wrote:
> Sorry if this sounds crazy Greg, but is there a way to get SLX to behave
> like a normal windows app? You know, old school - when I launch the app
> it opens a window, when I close the window it closes the app, etc. I
> know I can do this from the tray, but just wondering.

If SLX terminates, the underlying squeezelite-win player will terminate
as well, is that what you want? Assuming so, then I would add an option
to disable tray behavior. If disabled, then then I would have the app
completely terminate when the window is closed. I could code this, but
I'd want to think about it a little. The settings page is already a
little to busy and complex for my own taste. Anyway, conceptually, I
see a way to do this. I'll experiment with the idea.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-27 15:42:21 UTC
Thanks for thinking about it Greg. I typically donÂ’t leave squeezelite
running all the time. I treat it more like an app that I launch as
required. As an example, I launch Excel from the start menu, a windows
opens, I do what I need to do and then I click on the X in the top right
when I am done. It doesnÂ’t hang around in the background anywhere.

pkcrawford's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4074
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-27 21:14:35 UTC
pkcrawford wrote:
> Thanks for thinking about it Greg. I typically donÂ’t leave squeezelite
> running all the time. I treat it more like an app that I launch as
> required. As an example, I launch Excel from the start menu, a windows
> opens, I do what I need to do and then I click on the X in the top right
> when I am done. It doesnÂ’t hang around in the background anywhere.

This will not be that hard. I actually have in running in a prototype,
so after some testing and beautifying, it will (probably) be in the next

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-27 21:23:33 UTC
that is awesome! Such a great solution. Keep up the great work.

pkcrawford's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4074
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-27 23:46:58 UTC
bobertuk wrote:
> I can confirm with confidence now that v1.34/1.35 has resolved this
> issue. SqueezeLite-X has been running for 12 days now without
> recurrence.
> Thanks Greg
> Bob


R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-28 23:57:58 UTC
New version1.3.6 coming, just submitted to store.

* Added option to allow/disallow running in background.
Background/tray operation is default, but if you de-select this option,
then there is no tray icon and Squeezelite-X runs like a regular app and
terminates when you close the main window, rather than staying alive in
the tray.
* Simplified the Settings screen. I removed the Sleep/Idle timers as I
don't think they were much value added and I wanted to simplify things.
* Newer version of CEF library (browser engine). Nothing should be
different, but I might as well keep it up to date.
* New build of squeezelite-win.exe. Same version but Ralphy re-built
it with updated libraries.

As usual, takes a few days to get through the certification and
publication process. The legacy installer for Windows 7 is available at
the link in the first post in this thread.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-29 02:46:09 UTC
rgdawson wrote:
> ...The legacy installer for Windows 7 is available at the link in the
> first post in this thread

Sweet! Thanks for your hard work on this!

*Player: *1 x Transporter w/Trans-knob, 2 x Touch (Active, 3 x Spares),
4 x Boom (Active, 9 x Spares)
*Server: *1 x Win Server (ESXi 6.x) w/LMS, 1 x HP 24" Touch Screen PC
w/LMS & SqueezePlay
*Control: *4 x w/iPeng, 1 x Samsung Note 4, 3ea x Fire 7", 8” tablets, 1
x 10" all w/SqueezeCtrl & Player (Angry Goat)
*Audio: *Mark Levinson 23.5 Amp, 380s Pre, 390s CD, B&W 801 II, Acoustic
Energy AE-2 signature, SOTA Sapphire table

Computer geek/tech hoarder(!), and DAMN I love the LMS/Squeeze
markm9999's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65015
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-29 06:57:23 UTC
Is there any way to get the window to remember it's size/position, or
open maximised on start up.

Thank you for a great app :cool:

*Study/Server - LMS 7.9.1 -* Pi3/Pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/piCorePlayer
3.5.0/jivelite, 25K library on WDMyCloud, cache and playlists on a USB
stick (formatted ntfs).
*Lounge* - Pi 2/Max2Play > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > AudioEngine DAC1 > AVI DM5
*Dining Room* - Pi3 > HiFiBerry AMP+/retro radio
*Garage* - Pi3/Pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/piCorePlayer 3.5.0 > Edifier
*In car* - LMS 7.9.1 > RPi3/Max2Play > HiFiBerry DAC+ > car's hifi
(files on a 2TB portable USB drive)
*Spares* - 1xTouch, 1xSB3, 1xRadio, 1xBoom
kidstypike's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10436
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-20 10:00:26 UTC
I'm proud to be a legacy user....

-Transcoded from Matt's brain by Tapatalk-

Hardware: 3x Touch, 1x Radio, 2x Receivers, 1 HP Microserver NAS with
Debian+LMS 7.9.0
Music: ~1300 CDs, as 450 GB of 16/44k FLACs. No less than 3x 24/44k
drmatt's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=59498
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-22 03:18:32 UTC
Does the legacy install version have the same store restrictions that
would keep this from working when installed on the same machine LMS is
running on?

Main system - Rock Solid with LMS 7.9.1 Nightly on WHS 2011 - 2 Duets
and Squeeseslave
Cabin system - Rock solid with LMS 7.9.1 Nightly on Win10 Pro - 1 RPi 3
Model B/Hifiberry DAC+ Pro/PiCorePlayer and Squeezeslave
w3wilkes's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=22973
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-22 13:31:51 UTC
w3wilkes wrote:
> Does the legacy install version have the same store restrictions that
> would keep this from working when installed on the same machine LMS is
> running on?

I have not confirmed this restriction exists for the Store version of
Squeezelite-X. (Did you try it?) I have read UWP apps have this sort
of restriction, but Squeezelite-X is not really a UWP app, but rather a
desktop bridge app, so I *think* you will be fine with either one. I
just have not confirmed one way or the other. But certainly there is no
such restriction with the legacy installer. If you are running Windows
10, I would recommend the Store version over the legacy installer. It
seems to initialize a little faster, and updates are easier.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-22 18:40:52 UTC
rgdawson wrote:
> I have not confirmed this restriction exists for the Store version of
> Squeezelite-X. (Did you try it?) I have read UWP apps have this sort
> of restriction, but Squeezelite-X is not really a UWP app, but rather a
> desktop bridge app, so I *think* you will be fine with either one. I
> just have not confirmed one way or the other. But certainly there is no
> such restriction with the legacy installer. If you are running Windows
> 10, I would recommend the Store version over the legacy installer. It
> seems to initialize a little faster, and updates are easier.
> R Greg Dawson

I have the legacy version now running on my WHS 2011 server where I also
run LMS and it works just fine to play music. I set up a scheduled task
to start it on boot. This starts SLX with no tray icon. When I RDP to my
server I have no way to change settings without a tray icon. If I start
SLX it brings up a (2) version. But, it does play music from LMS on the
same OS instance.

I guess if I want to make any SLX changes I would have to kill the SLX
instance that is running under the system, bring up SLX running as the
current user, make changes, stop the user version and restart the system

Main system - Rock Solid with LMS 7.9.1 Nightly on WHS 2011 - 2 Duets
and Squeeseslave
Cabin system - Rock solid with LMS 7.9.1 Nightly on Win10 Pro - 1 RPi 3
Model B/Hifiberry DAC+ Pro/PiCorePlayer and Squeezeslave
w3wilkes's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=22973
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-22 23:32:49 UTC
w3wilkes wrote:
> I have the legacy version now running on my WHS 2011 server where I also
> run LMS and it works just fine to play music. I set SLX configuration to
> use the loopback IP for my LMS server and gave it a name. Then
> I set up a scheduled task to start it on boot. This starts SLX with no
> tray icon because it's running under system rather than a user account.
> When I RDP to my server I have no way to change settings without a tray
> icon. If I start SLX it brings up a (2) version. But, it does play music
> from LMS on the same OS instance.
> I guess if I want to make any SLX changes I would have to kill the SLX
> instance that is running under the system, bring up SLX running as the
> current user, make changes, stop the user version and restart the system
> version.

Whew! I had to read that twice to understand what you are doing. It
sounds like your intent is to have a player running on the server, sort
of as a service and that you are not really wanting the web interface
control features so much on the server. I have experimented with some
different scenarios here. Before I created Squeezelite-X, I just
configured squeezelite-win.exe (the underlying player that Squeezelite-X
uses) to run as a service on the server. I got that to work, but it was
a little complicated PITA and required some third-party helper software
that helps you configure just about any app to run as a service. Anyway
I discarded that approach. Instead I actually have some other software
that I need to run automatically on my server in a user account, in
order to be able to access their tray icons. I resorted to autologon.
When my WHS2011 boots up, it uses autologon to automatically logon the
administrator account. Then the app (Plex, I think, and maybe LMS) run
on user logon in the user account. Now I know that sounds scary to some
folks, but the session is still locked and you can't get into it without
a password anyway. In this way, when I remote desktop into the server I
have access to these apps and their tray icons. I never log out (That
would kill the apps), I simply disconnect. The same would work for
Squeezelite-X, and that is probably what I would do. I also have my
WHS2011 server configured to required two-factor authentication (I use
Duo). So even though I never logout of the administrator account, when
I RDP to the server, it sends a code to my cell phone (2nd factor) and I
have to OK the connection on the cell or it won't let me in. All works
fine and I think this is a more convenient approach.

R Greg Dawson

rgdawson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65236
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550
2018-03-23 16:21:20 UTC
I have a "portable" LMS on a Win10 laptop that I use the 3rd party
option to run SL-win as a service. My main reason was to get rid of the
taskbar icon. I think I'll try your SLX on that laptop and get rid of
the 3rd party software to run SL as a service. Having another icon in
the system tray for SLX is fine with me. I can set a scheduled task and
trigger it to bring up SLX when LMS starts.

Main system - Rock Solid with LMS 7.9.1 Nightly on WHS 2011 - 2 Duets
and Squeeseslave
Cabin system - Rock solid with LMS 7.9.1 Nightly on Win10 Pro - 1 RPi 3
Model B/Hifiberry DAC+ Pro/PiCorePlayer and Squeezeslave
w3wilkes's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=22973
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=108550